Explanation Text and Procedure Text

Procedure Text

 How to make mud cakes

  • 500 g steamed potatoes
  • 250 g of wheat flour
  • 250 g of sugar
  • 100 g of margarine, melt
  • 2 eggs
  • 500 ml coconut milk


1.Blend steamed potatoes until soft

2.Prepare the potatoes that have been refined and other ingredients.

3.Add coconut milk, eggs, flour, sugar, and melted butter slowly alternately.
stir until the mixture is even

4.Prepare the mold, rub with margarine. Then heat the mold on low heat.

5.Pour the mixture, until the mold is rather full, but not overflowing. Then top with raisins.

6.Cover the mold, wait until the surface of the mud cake is solid, but don't burn the bottom.

7.Remove the cooked cake, and the mud cake is ready to be served

Explanation text


How mud cakes is made

General statement:

Mud cake is one of many moist cakes. Including soggy cakes because mud cakes cannot last long. Mud cakes originated from the Sidoarjo area, East Java. Mud cakes are also found in many other areas. This soft textured cake is round shaped like a moon and dominantly yellow in color with decorated raisins on it. Traditional snacks that taste like international food, are also viral and much in demand by people in East Java in particular and other regions in general.

Sequenced of explanation:

First, the potatoes that have been cleaned and cut are steamed for 20 minutes.
Then puree the potatoes. then mix all ingredients namely flour, eggs, sugar, coconut milk and butter . Stir the mixture until smooth.Then prepare the mold, rub with margarine. heat the mold with low heat.Pour the mixture, until the mold is full, then add the raisins on top.If it is cooked lift and mud cake is ready to be served.


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